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The Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG), Dams and Levees Technical Working Group, is proud to present a workshop that focuses on the role and contribution of engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers in the Risk Informed Decision Making (RIDM) process in managing dam and levee safety programs.  Risks associated with geological potential failure modes and communicating these conditions to the Risk Assessment (RA) team will be emphasized including the methodology, and implementation of RA for dam and levee foundations.











Speakers (Bios coming soon...)

Proud to bring exceptional speakers from across the country

Day 1 – Workshop Agenda Summary (November 4, 2025)

Introduction to Risk-Informed Dam and Levee Safety Programs, and the Instrumental Role of the Geologist within these Programs


7:00am   Breakfast, mingle, registration

8:00am   Welcome, Introductions, and Workshop Overview

8:30am   Douglas Boyer, FERC - Background, Purpose, & Current Status of RIDM

9:00am   Nate Snortland, USACE - Basis and Results of RA program

9:30am   Mid-Morning Break

10:00am RA 101

10:45am Cassandra Wagner, USACE - Role of Engineering Geologist in RA

11:30am Lunch 

1:00pm   Scott Walker, TVA - Biases

1:15pm   Bryan Simpson, USBR, - PFM's (relative to RA) ‐ Soil Foundations

2:15pm   Scott Walker, TVA - PFM's (relative to RA) ‐ Other Geohazards (Landslides, karst, faulting, etc.)

2:45pm   Mid-Afternoon Break

3:15pm   Todd Loar, USACE - PFM's (relative to RA) ‐ Rock Foundations

4:15pm   Cassandra Wagner, USACE - Data Mining

4:45pm   Daily "Wrap‐Up", Preparation for Day 2 (i.e. Break‐Out Session #1 read‐ahead)

5:00pm   Social event with appetizers

Day 2 – Workshop Agenda Summary (November 5, 2025)

Risk Assessment Instruction and Break-out Activities – Embankment and Concrete Dams


7:00am    Breakfast, mingle, registration

8:00am    Introduction of Day Two Agenda, Topics, and Purpose

8:05am    Scripted SQRA RA Team - Mock SQRA that is pre‐scripted to give the attendees a external view into the process of developing a PFM and

                working through the RA process to ultimately get to a elicitation and team generated risk characterization, including development of Likely/Less 

                Likely factors,

9:30am    Mid-Morning Break

10:00am  Spillway Failure Modes: Soil and Rock Erosion Mechanics (RA Focused)

11:00am  How to interpret investigations results for risk analysis including scoping for new investigations (including geophysics), defining critical questions

11:45am  Construction PFMs

12:00pm  Lunch 

1:15pm    Break‐Out Session #1: Project Background & Supporting Data - Moderated by Cassandra Wagner, USACE

3:30pm    Mid-Afternoon Break 

4:00pm    Break‐Out Session #1: Project results and findings - Moderated by Cassandra Wagner, USACE

4:30pm    Daily "Wrap‐Up", Preparation for Day 3

Day 3 – Workshop Agenda Summary (November 6, 2025)

Risk Assessment Instruction and Break-out Activities – Embankment and Concrete Dams


7:00am   Breakfast, mingle, registration

8:00am   Introduction of Day Two Agenda, Topics, and Purpose

8:10am   Hawkins Gagnon, Schnabel Engineering - Case Study on FERC RA, start to finish

9:00am   Panel - Roundtable Fed/State/Consultant/Regulator

10:00am   Mid-Morning Break

10:00am  How to prepare/document for RA (Go forth and practice), importance of documentation

11:30am  Workshop Conclusions, discussion, open‐forum discussion  

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